VVAA-Art of the Muses-Syrphe.
format CD
Recopilado y masterizado por C-drick
Compiled and mastered by C-drick
Recopilación de música experimental creada por mujeres del lejano oriente.
An experimental music compilation featuring ten female composers from Far East Asia (Japan, China, Taiwan, South Korea, Indonesia, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia)
Alice Hui-Sheng Chang - The world's top destinations for diving and skydiving
Aki Ito (ft. Julien Chatellier) - Slownes
Itta - Dabao
Tomoko Sauvage - Mylapore
Kismett - Snake-rope sublation
Vavabond - Shadow of iron
Pei - Om of the tree
Alice Hui-Sheng Chang - The sun descends the room darkens
Tomoko Sauvage - Raindrop excercise 20I
Aki Ito - Harmonicswave 02
Verita Shalavita Koapaha - Kemrungsung
Lương Huệ Trinh - Somnambulism
Lau Mun Leng - The rustle of paper
Cello + Laptop- Parallel paths-Envelope Collective
format CDr
Cello + Laptop son Sara Galán y Edu Comelles
Juan Antonio Nieto-The voice inside-Electronic Musik
Format digital
Simon Whetham- Concert for no-one- Impulsive Habitat
Format digital
Carlos Suárez-Transit Mundi- Luscinia Discos
Format CDr
Jean Montag-Unquiet-Audiotalaia
Format digital
Tattered Kaylor-Selected Realities-Moozak
Format CD +DVD
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